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Marco Anderson
Senior Regional Planner

Marco Anderson is a senior regional planner with the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) and a contributor to The Car in 2035: Mobility Planning for the Near Future. He currently works in the Sustainability Department integrating land use and transportation policy. Mr. Anderson is the project manager for the SCAG Electric Vehicle Program, the SoCal Clean Cities Coalition Coordinator, and the deputy lead on the Sustainability Planning Grant Program. For the previous four years he was a grant manager for over twenty five SCAG-funded local land use studies, and lead the Toolbox Tuesdays program of training sessions for planners from the SCAG region. 


Marco lived car-lite in Orange County for eight months, but was tempted back into two-car ownership with the arrival a 2012 Kia Soul and the commuting needs of two toddlers in suburbia. He can still be seen commuting to the train on his modified steel frame 1988 Schwinn Circuit. He volunteers for Civic Projects Foundation and The Bicycle Tree in Santa Ana. His passions include complete streets, transit connectivity, technology, and making a better urbanized Southern California for his children. 

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