Rajit Gadh
Professor, UCLA &
Director, Smart Grid Energy Research Center & WINMEC
Dr. Rajit Gadh is Professor of the Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Science at UCLA, Founder and Director the Smart Grid Energy Research Center or SMERC (http://smartgrid.ucla.edu) and Founder and Director of the UCLA WINMEC Consortium (http://winmec.ucla.edu). Dr. Gadh has a Doctorate degree from Carnegie Mellon University (CMU), a Masters from Cornell University and a Bachelors degree from IIT Kanpur all in engineering. He has taught as a visiting researcher at UC Berkeley, has been an Assistant, Associate and Full Professor at University of Wisconsin-Madison, and was a visiting researcher at Stanford University.
Dr. Gadh's current research interests include modeling and control of Smart Grids, wireless monitoring and control of distribution and consumer-premise power grids, Electric Vehicle aggregation, modeling and control, optimized EV charging under grid and local constraints, Grid-tovehicle, Vehicle-to-grid and Grid-to-home architectures, automation and home area network for Demand Response, Micro-grid modeling and control, and, wireless-sensor and RFID middleware architectures. Dr. Gadh is author of over 150 articles in journals and conference proceedings and 4 patents. His team has developed the WINSmartEV™ and WINSmartGrid™ research platforms at UCLA.
Dr. Gadh's research has recently been funded by the following sources: (i) LADWP (in turn funded by DOE) in which UCLA is one of three academic cooperating partners along with USC, and, JPL/Caltech in which DOE funding is roughly $60M) (ii) Korean Institute for Energy Research (KIER), (iii) EPRI NESCOR Grant (funded by DOE), (iv) California Energy Commission, and (v) the UCLA Smart Grid Industry Partners Program or SMERC-IPP consisting of over a dozen industry members.
He is a Fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. He has received the National Science Foundation (NSF) CAREER award, NSF Research Initiation Award, and, NSF-Lucent Industry Ecology Fellow Award, Society of Automotive Engineers Ralph R. Teetor Educational award, IEEE WTS second
best student paper award, ASME Kodak Best Technical Paper award, AT&T Industrial ecology fellow award, Engineering Education Foundation Research Initiation Award, the William Mong Fellowship from University of Hong Kong, and other accolades in his career. He has lectured and given keynote/distinguished addresses worldwide in countries such as Belgium, Brazil, China, France, Germany, India, Ireland, Italy, Spain, Holland, Hong Kong, Japan, S. Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, and, Thailand. Dr. Gadh serves as advisor to a handful of technology-based startups.