Marco Anderson
Acting Manager
Office of Planning Administration
Southern California Association
Of Governments (SCAG)
Marco Anderson is the manager of the Office of Planning Administration at the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG). He reports to the director of planning, implementing management initiatives within the Planning Division, directing collaborative teams integrating land use and transportation policy, and monitoring key strategies within Connect SoCal, the 2020 Regional Transportation Plan and Sustainable Communities Strategy (RTP/SCS).
Marco earned his master’s degree in urban and regional planning from the University of California, Irvine. He was a contributor to the book The Future of the Car in 2035. His passions include transportation technology, complete streets, transit connectivity, and making a better urbanized Southern California for his children.

Tyson Eckerle
Deputy Director
ZEV Market Development
Governor's Office of Business and Economic Development
Tyson Eckerle serves as the Deputy Director of Zero Emission Vehicle Market Development in the Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development (GO-Biz). In this role, he leads a team focused on scaling the zero emission vehicle market by organizing stakeholder efforts to remove market barriers, create opportunities, and streamline development. Prior to joining GO-Biz, Tyson served as Executive Director of Energy Independence Now, a non-profit dedicated to action-oriented solutions to petroleum dependence and climate change.
Tyson holds a B.A. in Biology from the University of California, Davis and a Master of Environmental Science and Management (MESM) from the Bren School of Environmental Science and Management at the University of California, Santa Barbara.

Elizabeth John
Advanced Fuels and Vehicle Technologies
California Energy Commission
Elizabeth John is the Manager of the Advanced Fuels and Vehicle Technologies Office in the Fuels and Transportation Division of the California Energy Commission, where she oversees grant activities funded under the Clean Transportation Program for medium- and heavy-duty vehicles. Her Office’s responsibilities include: building capacity of California companies to produce economically competitive low carbon fuels from waste-based and renewable feedstocks; implementing activities that support the commercial deployment of advanced freight and transit technologies; and facilitating the replacement of the state’s oldest and dirtiest school buses with new, alternative-fueled school buses. Elizabeth holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science from the University of California, Davis, and a Master’s of Public Policy and Administration degree from California State University, Sacramento.

Matthew Barth
Center for Environmental Research and Technology
University of California, Riverside
Professor Matthew Barth joined UC Riverside’s College of Engineering in 1991, where he is part of the intelligent systems faculty in Electrical and Computer Engineering and is serving as the Director for the Center for Environmental Research and Technology (CE-CERT). Professor Barth is also serving as UC Riverside’s Faculty Director of Sustainability, where he manages a variety of academic sustainability programs on campus. Dr. Barth’s research focuses on a wide range of sustainable transportation topics, including shared mobility, vehicle electrification, and how connected and automated vehicles can improve safety, mobility, and the environment. His current research interests include ITS and the Environment, Connected and Automated Vehicles, Transportation/Emissions Modeling, Advanced Navigation Techniques, Electric Vehicle Technology, and Advanced Sensing and Control. Dr. Barth is a fellow member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) and is very active in the IEEE Intelligent Transportation System Society. He is also a member of the IEEE Vehicular Technology Society, Transportation Research Board’s Transportation and Air Quality Committee, and Intelligent Transportation Systems Committee. He has also served on several National Research Council (NRC) committees. He received his B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering/Computer Science from the University of Colorado, and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of California, Santa Barbara.

Tracy Sato
Power Resources Manager
Customer Strategies
Riverside Public Utilities
Tracy Sato is a Power Resources Manager overseeing Customer Partnerships and Strategies for Riverside Public Utilities. She has over 23 years of experience working in both urban planning and electric utilities. Her career has focused on issues related to sustainability in cities including areas of air quality, climate change, and habitat preservation. She has experience working on environmental analysis; regulatory program implementation including California’s cap and trade program and the low carbon fuel standard program; and, utility customer programs.

Aaron R Dyer, PE
Senior Project Manager
Customer Strategies
eMobility Strategy & Program Development
Aaron joined SCE as a Senior Project Manager in the eMobility Strategy & Program Development Team in September 2019, and has been working on developing new transportation programs through the Low Carbon Fuel Standard program, with a specific focus on underserved and disadvantaged communities. Prior to joining SCE he spent over ten years designing and managing the installation of emissions control equipment at thermal power plants, and then switched industries to manage the development of a battery energy storage platform for a tech start-up on Los Angeles. While not a native Californian, he has lived in the Ontario area of the Inland Empire for the last fourteen years and has enjoyed watching in real-time the air-quality improvements in the region due to the deployment of cleaner technologies.